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Introduction to Weatherization at OVO
Ohio Valley Opportunities
421 Walnut Street
Madison, IN 47250
Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Weatherization Training

We often wonder where we should start a new Weatherization employee or contractor and finally, we have that answer. The Introduction to Weatherization class walks a new employee or contractor through the very basics of Weatherization such as through the program's inception and through the many changes that made the program what it is today. We discuss concepts such as heat transfer, stack effect, and many other Weatherization concepts that have helped make the Indiana Weatherization Program what it is today. This class is designed to help lay the foundation for many of the other classes offered at INCAA and to assist a new Trainee through the beginning of their career in Weatherization. 

$700.00 Course fee (applies to out-of-network trainee's)
Course fees must be received before the first day of class. 

Indiana - 6
BPI - 3