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Indiana Community Action Association
1845 W. 18th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
United States

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Monday, August 12, 2024, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Weatherization Training

For an extended period of time, Indiana’s Weatherization Program has been following the ASHRAE 62-89 ventilation strategy as a guideline for building tightness and determining a ‘Minimum Ventilation Requirement’. ASHRAE has since developed a new strategy called the ASHRAE 62.2 that gives partial credit for infiltration and exfiltration as a ventilation strategy, where the 62-89 before it had given full credit. Beginning January 2012, the Weatherization Program requires full implementation of the ASHRAE 62.2. This will change how we address the MVR and assess ventilation.

This course will cover the background behind developing the 62.2, how it applies to retrofit work, and what energy auditors need to know regarding equipment performance, sizing, and selection criteria. We will demonstrate the INCAA 62.2 Spreadsheet to make processing this information a breeze.

Out-of-Network Cost:  $700.00
Indiana CEUs:  6
BPI CEUs:  3